Saturday, January 15, 2005

Day 6

Just got back from a full day's worth of overdubbing work. For those unfamiliar with the studio process, overdubbing is when you go back over the basic tracks and put "keeper" versions of the scratch tracks on. So you replace the scratch guitar, put doubled parts on, and also start filling in some of the secondary parts. We (I) tend to be pretty overdub-heavy since there are usually a fair number of different parts for each track, so the shift to Pro Tools (and therefore away from the previous 24-track limit) has its benefits.

Did the more "rocking"-er songs today. It felt good to strap on a guitar and plug into an amp -- a lot of songs on this album are piano-driven, so I spent the majority of basic tracking sitting at the piano. It was a bit strange; I don't prefer one instrument or the other, really, but it was quite different than what i'd been used to. There's something really satisfying about standing in a room with a cranked amplifier, chugging out some power chords. It's satisfying in the same way that playing really good air guitar can be satisfying (RHYTHM air guitar, playing air lead guitar is lame).

More overdubs tomorrow. So far it looks like we're keeping up a pretty good pace. More to come...


emeraldrasta said...

Tell Welke that I'm disappointed that Keystone Lite wasn't on the beverage list. He's suppose to be representin Rapid City Stylee. Pena in the hizzy!!

10:22 PM  

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