Monday, January 10, 2005



greetings friends. recording for the new record (hereinafter referrered to as HD3) is going extraordinarily well. we're currently in the process of making "basic tracks," which, for those who aren't acquainted with the hip lingo, consist primarily of the drum and bass parts (surprise! it's a drum'n'bass album!) as well as guitar and piano. these parts form a foundation on which the rest of the song--including the lead and backing vocals, and all additional instruments (including but not limited to keyboards, strings, brass, harmonicas, cuckoo clocks, glockenspiels, and drowning kittens)--are stacked.

Anyway, for my part, basics are usually a frightful bore, because i have to sing all the songs on every take knowing that my performances won't be used, but also knowing that if i screw around--which is my natural inclination--it could disturb the laser concentration of the rhythm section. fortunately, we've been making incredibly good time, and the arrangements of all the songs we've tackled thus far feel pretty airtight. the real challenges (i.e. songs we've written and arranged but never really played live for various reasons) lie ahead. after the strong start this weekend, i have full confidence that everything will come together brilliantly.

as for the studio itself, it might as well be on the moon considering how inconvcnient its location is for one without a car. but this squares nicely with the personal penance i assigned myself for wrecking my car two years ago. that, my friends, is a long story, and one i'll not bore you with (too late!). the fact remains, however, that the room itself seems to be worth the considerable hassle and expense. the drums sound incredible so far--of course, the producers (John and Steve) have a hand in that, as does the fantastic playing of our new drummer Michael Welke. for all i&p, this is Michael's first record, and he's rising to the challenge of studio work like a seasoned pro. we're all insanely proud of him and feel lucky to have found him. (Although, i must confess that even though he prefers to be called "Mike," i have a really hard time ever calling anyone that, since almost all of the Michaels I've ever known--one of whom happens to be my dad--have publicly insisted on being called "Michael," to the point of being a liiiittle touchy about it, and so I always err on the side of "Michael" if that's the way someone is introduced to me; same with "Christopher," "Jonathan," "Jennifer," and "David.")

the next two weeks are going to be lively. that much is certain. stay tuned to this space for updates on overdubs, lyric fights, DVD watching (i have a pretty heroic assortment at our disposal), and jeff's Red Bull-o-meter.


islands said...

oh yeah, those drowning kittens are a must!

8:34 PM  
doc said...

few realize that the sound of slaughtered animals were what jettisoned "flagpole sitta" to the top of the charts.

also, i go by "mike." no shame in that, or in randomly making phil collins references.

3:02 PM  
Will said...

Yay HD3! Sounds good Sean et al.!! In case you need a motto, i propose this:

Keep it rockin', that is to say feel the love with natural attenuation, and transmit it all out and stuff in world wide phatness!! \m/

In any case, thanks for the very interesting and inspiring log, i'm a gonna point the whole songwriting class here...
Student Will

12:52 PM  

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